Colors of the Mountain, The

Foreign Language DVDs


SKU: 616892142966 Film Movement

The Colors of the Mountain - Los Colores de la Montaña - 2010 Colombia film directed by Carlos César Arbaláez. Young Manuel lives with his hard-working farmer parents in the remote, mountainous region of the Colombian countryside. While the adults in their lives try to avoid both the armed military and the guerrilla rebels fighting each other in the area, Manuel and his friend Julián are obsessed with playing soccer any chance they get. Shortly after his birthday, the new ball Manuel received as a gift gets kicked off to a minefield, and he, Julián and their albino friend Poca Luz will do everything in their power to recover their prized belonging—an essential part of their everyday lives and dreams. Stars Genaro Aristizábal, Natalia Cuéllar and Hernan Mendez. Unrated (no sex, nudity, profanity, alcohol, the only violence is when a pig steps on a land mine), in Spanish with optional English subtitles. 90 minutes.

Includes a FREE discussion guide!