Là où je dors volume 2 - This brand new dvd (released in March 2017) depicts a day in the life of 9 French speaking children in different countries. View these dvds with or without English or French subtitles. This is the second in a series of dvds. Like volume 1, Volume 2 has 2 discs, one with the 9 videos and 1 with 2 pdf files - Infolettres with additional information on each child and country and the second offers two different activities to do with the videos. On volume 2 are:
1) Carla lives on a small island that is part of Guadeloupe. She is 13 and loves to sing and perform!
2) Jamal lives in Morocco. On the back of his mule, he travels around his village. He wants to be a teacher when he grows up.
3) Tara lives on a reservation, in Pikogan, Canada. She takes pride in her hat collection and loves to go sledding with her friends.
4) Caroline lives in the Lorraine region of France. She is 13, blind and very athletic. She wants to participate in the Paralympics one day.
5) Selma lives in Vancouver, Canada. She is 11 and loves tennisand ping pong .
6) Yannick lives in Boston, Massachusetts. He is 11 and is a big fan of medieval battles.
7) Hughes lives in in Kigali, Rwanda. He is 10 and was adopted as a baby. He wants to work in a wildlife park when he grows up and protect animals.
8) Maïsanne lives in Mayotte, an island between Madagascar and Africa. She is 10 and loves sports and ballet.
9) Shanna lives in New Caledonia, an island near Australia. She is 13 and lives on a ranch with many animals. When she grows up, she wants to be a veterinarian.