Harry der Hund

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: 9783788633318 Tessloff Verlag Gmbh

Harry der Hund - Another fun German Fingerpuppen-Buch - finger puppet book - great for toddlers to beginning readers. It is hard to describe, but there is a hole in the middle of the book for you to stick your finger in, to make a puppet. This 10 page book has a couple of sentences on the left page, with the 'puppet' and illustrations on the right page. Delightful to read to a young child or for a beginning reader - all in German.

Die erfolgreiche Reihe wird fortgesetzt! Die beweglichen, kuscheligen Fingerpuppen lassen die Tiere für die Kinder lebendig werden - ein tolles Vorlesevergnügen in Reimform.