Faisons les courses - Everything you need to present food shopping in France: vocabulary, verbs, and structures; a variety of practice activities; simulations; listening and communication; entertaining creative tasks.
The book has:
Ideas for the classroom set-up
• Supermarket "decor"
• Props
• Visuals (sings, backdrops, etc.)
• 8 pages of clip art images (for activities, games, or transparencies)
A warm-up Supermarket Scavenger Hunt activity
• Increases the students' awareness of how much French is in their local supermarkets right here in the U.S.
6 pages packed with vocabulary
• Specialty food stores
• Vendors
• Supermarket vocabulary, departments, packages
• Vocabulary of food typically found in French stores (beverages, breads, condiments, dairy products, fruit, vegetables, hygiene, cleaning supplies, meat, seafood, spices, desserts)
• Food shopping verbs, adjectives, and structures
• Conversation cues (questions, phrases, etc.) for shopping in France
Authentic elements (to root the unit in France)
• Names of 14 supermarket chains
• Brands (French & U.S.) of foods sold in French supermarkets
• Web sites (on-line supermarkets, supermarket Web sites, company sites, Fête du pain, a commerce directory to help you find specialty stores in any French city, some supermarket photos, a shopping list you can print, etc.)
• Over 40 French comptines about food
• 67 expressions that have foods in them ("Je n'ai pas un radis.")
• 70 Paired-Speaking Stimuli • Listening Activities
• Class Activities • Activity Sheets (Many Communicative)
• Creative Tasks • 28 Skit Ideas
• Riddles • Internet Tasks
• Puzzles • 2-Page Board Game
• Shopping Verbs And Structures • Quantities / Packaging
• Overhead Projector Game • Metric Conversions
• Project Ideas • Puns
• Rhyming Couplets
136 pages, spiral bound.