Chinese Treasure Chest - Volume 1 - This is the older version - only Traditional Character Edition left.
Teachers, you won’t have to rack your brain trying to think of ways to keep your students motivated! Chinese Treasure Chest is an unprecedented collection of ready-to-use games, songs, craft projects, delightfully illustrated student worksheets and teacher-directed activities to help elementary students learn Chinese as a foreign language.
This imaginative teaching resource (two-volume set) contains hundreds of reproducible pages of activities designed around themes in the elementary curriculum and organized into 12 monthly sections to fit the school year. Volume 1 covers September to December. Themes include Introduction, Greetings, Numbers, Family, Telling Time, Parts of the Body, Food, Colors, School, Hobbies, Animals, Weather and Feelings.
Students learn the Chinese language and culture through games, songs, crossword puzzles, cut-outs, picture cards, TPR activities, role-play, chants and conversations. Also included are seasonal activities to help students celebrate special events and holidays of each month.
Each section begins with teacher notes that states the learning objectives and difficulty level of each activity, and offers suggestions on how to implement an activity to get the best results.
Chinese Treasure Chest is a joint effort of three experienced Chinese teachers, and encapsulates their years of teaching experience and innovative approaches to teaching young children. It will make the classroom experience more fun, more enriching and more rewarding for teachers and students alike!
Presented in Simplified Character, Pinyin and English. Ages 5+. (Traditional Character edition available as well). Spiralbound, 330 pages.
Table of Contents:
打招呼 Greetings
数字 Numbers
月份和星期 Day, Month and Week
身体部位 Parts of the Body
家庭 Family
学校 School
情绪/感觉 Emotions & Feelings
天气/季节 Weather & Seasons
Cultural Themes
中秋节 MId-Autumn Festival
万圣节 Halloween
感恩节 Thanksgiving
五福临门 Five Charms
做灯笼 Making a Lantern
送礼 Giving Presents
中国地理 Chinese Geography
孔子 Confucius
长城 The Great Wall
唐诗 Tang Poems
熊猫 Panda
孙悟空 Monkey King
嫦娥与后羿 Chang'e and Houyi
过生日 Birthday
Teaching Techniques
玩偶 Puppet Show
全能肢体反应法 Total Physical response
闪示卡/大字报 Flash Cards, Wall Charts
儿歌/童谣 Songs and Chants
数来宝 Nursery Rhymes
看图说话 Sequential Story-Telling
关氏连句法 Gouin Series
朗读/朗诵 Read Aloud
说故事 Re-tell Stories
拼图游戏 Jigsaw Puzzles
填字游戏Crossword Puzzles
小书制作 Mini-book making
工艺美术 Arts and Crafts
角色扮演 Role Play
游戏 Games
猜谜 Riddles
按铃抢答 Jeopardy