Antidote 9 is a suite of software reference tools for writing in French. Antidote offers a spellcheck and grammar check, dictionaries and linguistic guides - now in French or English! (You choose the language upon installation - for both, you must purchase an additional module). It has an advanced grammar checker which now corrects the whole text at once instead of one sentence at a time. Five great tools that integrate directly and seamlessly into most major word processors and email programs. If you can read French reasonably well, you can use the dictionary, the synonyms, the conjugator and the grammar book to improve your skills. It was designed as a tool for native French speakers and corrects 800 types of mistakes. The grammar checker now has a setting for non-native French speakers.
A Corrector With Style
Antidote 9 brings a new dimension to its corrections: the Style view. It has been carefully calibrated to flag instances of repetition, awkward constructions and poor vocabulary choices. It can now correct the format of numbers and spot missing periods at the end of a paragraph. Dialogues in a text can now be identified and treated differently, with the option to ignore certain detections within them. The corrector will remember any ignored detections, allowing you to pick up exactly where you left off when working with a long document.
Richer, More Connected Dictionaries
As soon as you open the dictionaries, the new details panel to the right of the definitions is sure to catch your eye. It is both more concise and more comprehensive, comprising three elements: Details, Difficulty and More. Under Details you will find inflected forms, word frequency, etymology and indispensable phonetic information. The Difficulty section, present in 30,000 French entries, tackles the trickier aspects of the language such as past participle agreement for reflexive verbs. Instances of phonetic liaison are indicated for all words that feature it, for example the “t” sound in the expression grand homme. The More section provides direct access to powerful external resources like Le grand dictionnaire terminologique and Termium; you can even add your own favourite sites.
Eleven thousand Web links lead to maps and satellite images of countries, cities and World Heritage sites. More than 15,000 new words have been added, such as claquade, égoportrait and vapoter, along with 4000 expressions, 5000 synonyms, 39,000 combinations and 600,000 new links in the semantic fields. The semantic fields now extend to proper nouns, painting a fascinating picture of famous people, cities and countries. The history dictionary shows etymologically related words for every entry, revealing some surprising links, such as tueur and tuteur, both descended from the Latin word tueri. Also on offer are three new search criteria and two new ways to search as you type.
After French Comes English
For the first time, Antidote is lending its science to another language. An optional module adds a corrector, dictionaries and language guides for English—all with the same level of richness and quality as their French counterparts. The corrector can pinpoint 13,000 types of error through its three correction views and its two-hundred revision, statistics and inspection filters; the dictionaries cover 102,000 words, 1.4 million synonyms, 71,000 etymologies 153,000 phonetic transcriptions, 700,000 combinations and 2.3 million semantic field links; and the ten guides contain 350 detailed articles on grammar and business writing. All the settings are tailored to English and English words can be added to the personal dictionaries. Anti-Oops! protects English emails against mistakes and missing attachments.
Antidote takes special care to ensure that both languages coexist effortlessly. The same three-button menu bar will open resources in either language from your word processor or email application—Antidote chooses the appropriate language according to the context. Whenever necessary, the corrector alternates between French and English in the same document and displays its results accordingly. The dictionaries and guides can also switch fluidly between languages: search fluidement and you will see results in the French dictionary; search fluidly and the English dictionary will take its place.
In the end, your Antidote becomes as complete and efficient in English as in French, with both languages coexisting seamlessly, and you can switch easily from one to the other, as you may do in real life.
NEW DETECTIONS AND CORRECTIONS: Detection of inflection inconsistencies (auteur/autrice), Correction of number formatting, Correction of missing periods at the end of paragraphs, Refined correction of compound words, Correction of spacing before an alphanumeric code (modèle F-12)
MORE ACCURATE CORRECTION: More accurate correction: hundreds of improvements, Detection of dialogues and adaptable correction, Context-based correction of dashes, Adjustable settings for words inside square brackets, Consideration of gender-neutral constructions, e.g. “étudiant(e)s”
MORE FLEXIBLE CORRECTION: Settings for disabling certain detections in dialogues and quotes, Settings for alignment zeros in written times, Settings for certain non-standard abbreviations, Settings for past participles that agree with the pronoun en, Custom settings for flagging dubious capitalization, Custom settings for flagging redundancies, Settings for ‹ single French quotation marks ›, Settings for spacing around dashes
IMPROVED CORRECTION INTERFACE: Ability to send emails directly from Anti-Oops!, More prominent display of discontinuity problems, Saving of previously ignored words—great for correcting long, repetitive texts, Ability to hide previously ignored detections in the list of detections, Clear identification of passages in another language, Identification of dialogues and quotes, Identification of the initial word processor used (Word, etc.), Information on the percentages of French and English used in the text, Ability to change font size in the three main panels, Selection of full sentences with a simple click in the margin, Settings for disabling correction in a certain language, Links to definitions in the corrector’s tooltips, Ability for users to disable Anti-Oops! correction in one language
ENHANCED DICTIONARIES: 1500 new words—27,000 in total, 4000 new expressions—56,000 in total, 5000 new synonyms, Addition of new 2015 World Heritage Sites, 39,000 new combinations, 88,000 etymologically related words—2.6 million connections in total,100 new etymological notes—nearly 500 in total
NEW DETAILS PANEL IN DEFINITIONS: Sleeker, more comprehensive presentation of details, Separation into three main sections: Details, Difficulties and More, 30,000 issues prominently displayed in red, Identification of the agreement for each reflexive verb, Identification of moods required for each conjunction, Displaying of phonetic liaison (“grand homme”), Inflections preceded by a determiner, to facilitate memorization, Invariability markers generalized and adapted, Systematized examples of false friends, Warning for words with gender difficulties (“une oasis” not “*un oasis”), Clear identification of words including an etymological note, Adjustable width
IMPROVED DICTIONARY OF SEMANTIC FIELDS: 600,000 new links—2.8 million in total, Semantic fields of 10,000 proper nouns, Viewable browsing history in the interactive sphere, Category filters in the interactive sphere, Improved semantic classification
MORE EFFECTIVE SEARCH TOOL: Search by number of syllables, Search by positive or negative connotation, Search for countries, cities, people and World Heritage Sites, Search for anagrams with substitutions, Two new instant search modes: Contains and Anagrams, Search with variables—get results even with very few known characters
NEW EXTERNAL RESOURCES: 11,000 links to interactive maps and satellite images, Smart links to Le grand dictionnaire terminologique and Termium, Smart links to a configurable online search engine, Ability to set up new links to other external resources
IMPROVED DICTIONARY DISPLAY: Definitions—rectified spelling displayed (based on settings), Definitions—criticism displayed beneath the relevant meaning, Synonyms—improved presentation of hyponyms and hypernyms, Synonyms—rectified spelling displayed (based on settings), Conjugation—all forms displayed on the same page, More straightforward classification of combinations with adjectives, Find bar integrated with each dictionary, Option to delete browsing history
UPDATED AND EXPANDED GUIDES: 25 new articles—825 in total, Updated articles, New style guide, More intuitive interface, Improved search function, Possibility of hiding sidebars, Find bar integrated in window
5 to 9 stations: $125.00 each
10 to 24 stations: $115.00 each
25 to 49 stations: $95.00 each
50 to 99 stations: $75.00 each
100 to 499 stations: $65.00 each
500 to 999 stations: $60.00 each
1000+ stations: $55.00 each
For schools and universities only - with each license - the maintenance contract is included for the first year!
Maintenance Contract for licenses:
5 to 9 stations: $18.00 each
10 to 24 stations: $17.00 each
25 to 49 stations: $15.00 each
50 to 99 stations: $13.00 each
100 to 499 stations: $11.00 each
500 to 999 stations: $10.00 each
10000+ stations: $9.40 each
Tant qu’elle est en vigueur, la maintenance donne droit à toute nouvelle édition d’Antidote, sans autres frais; vous étalez ainsi les couts de mise à niveau sur plusieurs années. La maintenance donne également
droit, en accès prioritaire, au soutien technique par téléphone et par courriel pour une personne. Elle donne finalement accès au téléchargement des installateurs (fichiers MSI) pour toutes les versions d’Antidote HD depuis la version 2. Vous disposez toutefois d’un maximum de 3 mois à compter de la date d’émission de la licence pour nous faire parvenir une commande de maintenance. La maintenance est souscrite pour tous les postes d’une licence et ce, pour une période minimale de 12 mois à compter de la date d’émission de la licence («Période Minimale»).
La maintenance échoit le 31 mars, le 30 juin, le 30 septembre ou le 31 décembre. Si la période minimale ne se termine pas à l’une de ces dates, elle est prolongée gratuitement pour atteindre la prochaine date d’échéance. (On peut acheter un bloc de trois mois plus - contactez-nous pour les détailles).
Minimum requirements: Processor: x86/x86–64/AMD64, 1 GHz, 2 GB Memory, Between 4.5 and 7.5 GB free on disk, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 or 10, Windows Server (Desktop Experience mode) 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2 or 2016 (1607), Active Internet connection (during installation)
Antidote 9 works with: MS Office 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word), Internet Explorer 10, 11, Windows Live Mail 2011, 2012, Google Chrome* 58, Firefox* 53 and 18 more...
Antidote 9's Anti-Oops! technology is compatible with: Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, GroupWise 8, 2012, 2014, Windows Live Mail 2011, 2012, Thunderbird* 52, PostBox* 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0
Minimum requirements: Intel processor (64-bit), 1 GB Memory, Between 1 and 2.5 GB free disk space, OS X 10.9 (Mavericks), 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.11 (El Capitan) or 10.12 (Sierra), Active Internet connection (during installation)