L'Imagerie Books from Fleurus Editions

L'Imagerie Books from Fleurus Editions

Cindy Tracy

I have been bad, and have severely neglected my blog, working on a completely revamped version of our website. Please take a look at wor.com and let me know what you think!

Today I want to tell you about a series of delightful French books I found from a pulisher in France - Fleurus.  The Imagerie series is a collection of beautiful hardback books with detailed and riveting illustrations or photographs (depending on the title). The covers are "squishy" as opposed to unyielding, more young child friendly.

We have 9 of the titles of the regular Imagerie in stock and will add more if there is interest (there are 46). For younger children, there is the series of Imagerie des bébés and then the Imagerie des tout-petits. We have one title from the latter - L'AlphabetThis book is perfect for parents teaching French to their children - each page has not only an object or animal for each letter, but questions to ask your child about other words with that letter to get them to speak more in French.

The rest of the titles we decided to have in stock are from the regular Imagerie collection for older kids. Maybe you have a child who speaks English and is learning French or a French-speaking child who is learning English - you need the L'Imagerie Français Anglais.  It not only provides the French words with articles, but also has questions on each page to expand their vocabulary. For children who love firefighters - L'Imagerie des pompiers.  It actually starts with the history of fire, how it was discovered and used - up to all the services that firefighters perform or maybe your child is into animals - L'Imagerie des animaux familiers.

Then for teachers and parents with older children, check out L'Imagerie de la France to learn all about France or L'Imagerie des Arts to introduce children to the Arts - la Peinture, la Sculpture, L'Architecture, etc.

We have some sample pages of each book on our website and would be glad to provide additional information if needed. In the future, we will try to highlight different publishers you may  not know, and that have interesting products.