Five easy activities to boost your reading skills in French

Five easy activities to boost your reading skills in French

Cindy Tracy

 Methods for Learning French

Are you someone who has recently started to learn French? Or are you someone who is planning to do it? Or do you want to enhance your reading skills in French? If yes, you will know how tough and challenging it could be for a different language speaker to learn and read other languages and become bilingual. Although, reading is an exciting and captivating hobby. It can be helpful in many aspects, such as in learning and educational purposes. Also, it's a very relaxing and soothing activity to pursue in your free time. Reading makes our minds fresh and sometimes helps in escaping reality. Moreover, it can be a fun activity.

Learning a new language is a challenging process, but French needs even more effort because many letters in French are silent and, their pronunciation is a bit tricky compared to what is in the written form.

So, if you want to know more about improving your reading abilities in French, then this article is for you. Firstly, there are many benefits of learning a new language and, if you want to learn French, it can help you get more information about French people. You will get a chance to explore their culture, customs, ethnicity, and more. Furthermore, it will also help when you're about to travel to foreign countries. And nowadays, having command of another language is considered a unique skill. For instance, most of the time, when you're looking for a job in foreign countries, their websites are in the native language, or when you're working in another country, the communication system is all in the country's native language. So, good reading and writing skills are essential for that type of job. Also, many companies hire instructors or opt for group coaching to enhance the learning capabilities of their employees. 

The following tips will help you boost your French reading and make you feel more assured as you navigate the new linguistic era. 

1.Take help from books/magazines/ and newspapers

French Books

If you are passionate about learning and improving your reading skills in French, then the first step is to take help from reading books in French as much as you can. It will not only bring improvement in your reading but also in your French vocabulary. If you are the type of person who likes to read novels and short stories, you can also start reading such books in French. Moreover, if you have any favorite novels, you can try reading them in French. 

Magazines and Newspapers

They are also a great source to bring good changes in your reading skills. They contain every sort of information about politics, sports, and entertainment which will also boost your French reading abilities.


2. Search online

It is the most common, easy, and reliable method these days. And it is also very accessible to all of us. It can also be a useful way through which you can improve your reading skills in French. There are many sorts of articles, and stories, and websites present online through which you can also boost your reading power. So, you will already know what's about to happen and, it will be easy for you to decode it. 

3. Use of dictionary

The third and essential way can be the use of a dictionary. It can also help you enhancing your reading skills in French as it contains every word with the correct meanings. And don't forget to use dictionaries containing your native language translation.  Use French dictionaries which are in book form. They can be bilingual, in French and English, or in French only. 

4.Subtitles in French:

If you watch French TV shows, movies on dvd, and documentaries along with subtitles in French, it not only improve your pronunciation but improves your reading and listening skills too. Looking at subtitles along with the TV shows makes you memorize and learn words.

Learning French

 5. French learning software:

You can also improve your reading skills in French with the help of language learning software. Many programs ask you to use the microphones, give you sentences and ask you to read those sentences. So, when you make a mistake in pronunciation while speaking, these programs correct you.