Yellow Asphalt DVD

Arabic dvds to learn Arabic and Films in Arabic


SKU: 717119832544 New Yorker Video

Yellow Asphalt DVD - 2001 film directed by Dan Verete. Three stories set among the Bedouin of Jahalin in the hills of the Judean desert. This film is comprised of three short stories, based on true events. Every story circles around the culture and life of a Bedouin tribe living in Israel and is acted by the Bedouins themselves. They are about the intrusion of Western civilization into the world of values of the Bedouins, where patriarchal rules and blood revenge are a part of their culture. The director neither judges nor glorifies that life. Indeed he needed to live several years among the Bedouins before they trusted him enough to do the film. The Bedouins themselves are a widely ignored part of the Israeli people. The director (who is Israeli) deliberately tries to make the audience identify with this Muslim group at the edge of his society. In Arabic, Hebrew and English. Unrated, 87 minutes.