Sing, Dance, Laugh and Eat Quiche 1 - 60 minutes of original & traditional songs in French. If you already have the lyrics, the cd alone is $16.00 or $25 with the lyrics booklet.
Teaches colors, counting, animals and more with 26 original and traditional French songs.
In this collection:
Le Drapeau Français (a simple "Marseillaise")
Je M'appelle (My name is _______. Who are you?)
Comptez! (Counting to 30 - rap style)
Les Couleurs (Seven basic colors)
Bifteck! (A French dinner)
Qui A Volé Les Biscuits? (Who stole the cookies?)
Am Stram Gram (French traditional Eeney meeney miney mo)
L'Automne (Watch leaves fall in Autumn)
Mardi Gras (Costumes for Mardi Gras party)
Joyeux Anniversaire (Happy Birthday)
Mal à la Tête (Body parts to the tune of "Alouette")
Mes Oreilles Tombent-Elles? (Do Your Ears Hang Low?)
Le Fermier Dans Le Champ (The Farmer In The Dell)
Venez Voir Ma Ferme (Farm animals and their sounds)
La Corde à Sauter (French traditional jump rope song)
Attention! (Follow the leader and do as I say!)
Mon Bonhomme de Neige (Face parts to the tune of "Frosty The Snowman")
Chantez Noël (Sing Christmas!)
Le Noël Arrive Bientôt (Christmas is coming!)
Les 12 Jours de Noël (New variation of traditional "12 Days of Christmas")
Qui a Peur du Méchant Loup? (Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?)
Le Méchant Loup (The Big Bad Wolf's theme)
Nous Allons Au Zoo (Zoo animals)
Lundi Matin (French traditional days of the week)
Boire Un Petit Coup (French traditional)
Les Colonies de Vacances (French traditional summer camp song)
Banjo (French traditional song with actions)