Oh Là Là - Part 2 CD and Teacher's Manual - An irresistible blend of conversational French, catchy melodies, and rockin’ and entertaining productions that will have you humming and singing French long after the album has finished playing. Designed for young adolescents to adults, it is packed with vocabulary and over 850 hip French expressions. Have fun learning as you groove to pop, rock, reggae, rap, blues, techno, and hot international styles. It’s a great album of music to play for enjoyment as well as for learning French.
Dans le métro - Get on a car and see who’s around you, Mon Appartement, Au Café du Coquelicot - Sit at a French café with your dog, La Francophonie - Sing the places where French is spoken, Les Petites Gouttes de Couleur - Watch an artist paint a scene, Faisons les Courses!, Mon Agenda, Le Défilé du mode, En Ville - Spend a days with your friends downtown, Ma Belle France - Take a ride in a hot air balloon over France, Oh Là Là - Sing over 50 French expressions and Coup du fil - telephone conversation.
The manual includes a page highlighting all the structures, vocabulary, and culture in the lyrics of each song as well as ideas for props, costumes, visuals and supplementary materials. There are 8 1/2 " x 11" sheets of lyrics for all 16 songs that you have you have permission to copy for your students.
CHANTEZ! approaches for singing that are unique to each song
PARLEZ! communication situations and role plays for pairs of students based on song themes
PARTICIPEZ! individual, group and whole-class activities to review song vocabulary; games and competitions; listening exercises; group activities including brainstorming; communication, etc.
CRÉEZ! creative projects for students to do based on song themes and culture
CLAP, PRISE 1! performances and presentations that groups and individuals can make to the class for culminating activities. There are serious to wacky ideas for group renditions of songs, music videos, performances, skits, impersonations, theatrical scenes, T.V. shows, investigations, parodies, etc. on the song themes. NOTE: While the students perform, the audience gets a big dose of listening practice!
FÉLICITEZ et ENCOURAGEZ! clever ideas for certificates, gag gifts, recognitions, awards, prizes, and other tokens you can give your students to celebrate their progress and accomplishments ...all reflecting song themes!
ENRICHMENT VOCABULARY Additional lists of cognates and other words to give students more options in conversations and activities
Sample Ideas from TEACHER'S MANUAL - LEVEL 1, PART 2:
Simulate a ride on the Paris Métro or a hot air balloon ride over France
Simulate art and dance classes at an MJC
Do an impressionist painting
Create a supermarket in the classroom making labels for actual French products and putting them on jars and boxes
Visit French cities and provinces
Design fashions
Impersonate mountain climbers, French authors, tour guides, designers, archeologists, mayors, etc.