Miraflores Teacher Resource Materials - Parcours 1E

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: frtrpa1E Miraflores

Miraflores Teacher Resource Materials - Parcours 1E

La Martinique, L'Afrique

  • Un voyage en Martinique
  • Youssou N'Dour
  • Le français en Afrique

Teachers often look for materials that will speak to specific students. Two of the units deal with Africa: the first is about music, the second about languages. Teach musical instruments with Youssou NÂ’DourÂ’s band; have your students think how the languages now spoken in North and South America have displaced the original languages. Then focus your attention on Africa and see where French is spoken. This information is an excellent way of practicing quel / quels and quelle / quelles.

A young tourist packs her bags for a holiday in Martinique. Review clothing to help her select the right items to pack. Once in Martinique, she writes her friend a postcard, a cloze exercise. Upon her return, she goes back to school where her teacher explains French DOM and TOM.

Subject matter: geography, historical background
Vocabulary: clothing, days of the week; musical instruments; colonialism
Grammar: adverbs of place, aller, faire; articles; avant and après
Oral practice: imaginary vacations; band, videos; French spoken in Africa
Homework: imaginary vacations; music; languages
Internet: Key word list to facilitate a search

20 pages, paperback.