Early Language Learning: A Model for Success by Carol M. Saunders Semonsky and Marcia A. Spielberger. The aim of this volume is to provide a detailed description of the process of initiating, maintaining and assessing a top quality elementary school foreign language program (FLES) and to assist planners by providing them with a workable model. The book describes the successes and challenges of the Georgia Elementary School Foreign Languages Model Program. It includes a detailed description of the curriculum and of the research data showing positive effects of early language learning on elementary school students in Georgia. The primary audience for this book is policy makers, state and district level educators, including supervisors who have responsibility for foreign languages, principals, teachers and foreign language educators who are interested in components of best practices in early language learning education or who wish to begin a high quality elementary school foreign language program at the state or district level.
CONTENTS: Introduction. Chapter 1: Creating and Implementing the Georgia Elementary School Foreign Languages Model Program. Chapter 2: From Theory to Practice. Chapter 3: The Curriculum.
Chapter 4: Program and Student Assessment. Chapter 5: Conclusion. References Cited.
Appendix A - Original Application Form
Appendix B - The Georgia Elementary School Foreign Languages Model Program Original Fifteen Sites
Appendix C - Approximate Budget for Beginning a program
Appendix D - Philosophy and Pedagogy
Appendix E - Third Grade Web Theme All About Me
Appendix F - Joe Frank Uriz's Unit Plan
Appendix G - Joe Frank Uriz's Assignments and Grading Rubrics
Appendix H - Student Oral Proficiency Assessment Rating Scale
Appendix I - Student Attitude and Ability Questionnaire
Appendix J - Georgia Elementary School Foreign Languages Model Program Brochure - 2002-2003
Paperback or Hardback - 162 pages.