Cinco de Mayo: A Visual History - Ages 14 - Adult. Cinco de Mayo presents a wealth of information to illuminate an important battle that has affected Mexico, the U.S., and other nations and communities in both the Americas and Europe. This CD-ROM has been designed for use by students, educators, and the wider community both in the U.S. and Mexico as it is mainly in English. It features:
Images and historical information relating to the Battle of Puebla, including paintings, lithographs, etchings, photographs of the period, documents, video recreations of important elements of the battle, and other key historical events of the period. The CD-ROM contains more than 200 images, all in their original color.
Video footage of contemporary celebrations of Cinco de Mayo in Mexico and the United States, including the Mexican town of Huejotzingo's carnival, an event celebrated each year to commemorate the contributions made by a small indigenous army from Huejotzingo to the defeat of the French invaders.
Review of the historical significance of the Battle of Cinco de Mayo, including such important elements as: (1) the role of Benito Juárez in thwarting the French and their conservative Mexican allies and the restoration of the Mexican republic in 1867; (2) the key role in the great Mexican victory of monolingual, mostly Nahuatl-speaking Native Americans under the command of Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín; and (3) the role of Porfirio Díaz during this period and its aftermath.
Content divided into 80 sections, including an illustrated timeline of Mexican history beginning with the pre-Hispanic period through the election of Vicente Fox; the people and places of significance to Cinco de Mayo; the site of the battle; celebrations of the event in both Mexico and the United States; artistic interpretations of the holiday and of the battle; bibliography; related Web sites; and an index that cross-references important entries throughout the CD-ROM. And much more!
Cinco de Mayo: A Visual History was designed for secondary and college students to greatly expand their knowledge of the events surrounding Cinco de Mayo and to help teachers better educate their students on the events and their significance. Middle school teachers will also find the content useful, as will members of the general public and communities where Cinco de Mayo is widely celebrated.
Cinco de Mayo requires for PC: 233 MHz+; Windows 95, 98, NT4, 2000 or XP; 32MB RAM; CD-ROM drive; DirectX compatible video card with 2MB memory; Quicktime 5.0 (installer included). Macintosh requires: 233 Mhz+; PowerPC; OS 8.1-9 NOT supported on OX X or Classic mode); 32MB RAM; CD-ROM drive; Quicktime 5.0 (Installer included).