
Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: latbbloc American Classical League

Blockbuster - Educational Latin game by William Curtis. A fun, fast-paced, and pedagogically sound game which can be played individually or in teams, four at most. Each student has a game sheet which has 25 squares on it with one, two, or three letters representing the answers to the questions which the teacher will ask. Latin I game sheets test the categories of Noun/Adjective Forms, Mythology, Active and Passive Verb Forms, Miscellanea, Vocabulary and Derivatives, Roman History, Grammar, Latin Phrases, with Julius Caesar and Deities added to Latin II games, and Cicero, Aeneid Book I, and the Subjunctive added to Latin III games. Each of the three levels has 10 games with student answer sheets which may be reproduced for classroom use. Comes with directions and suggested scoring. Can be modified to suit the specific needs of teachers.