Abrir Paso 2J - Colombia

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: 2-921554-83-6 Miraflores

Abrir Paso 2 J - Colombia - This Miraflores text covers Fernando Botero and Cartagena de Indias. Have fun describing Botero's oversized people! (What a wonderful way to practice those adjectives!) Acquaint your students with Botero's huge bodies, round faces and tiny feet. Once they have studied the paintings in this unit, they will also understand his opinions about Colombian society.

Cartagena de Indias is the only remaining walled city in the Americas with the walls intact in many areas. The unit is built around two short texts. The first is a dialogue between two young men during the colonial period. The second text describes what the city and its wall, built to protect the city from slave raiders, looks like today. And there is more! García Márquez uses the city as the locale for one of his books and the characters are described within this spectacular colonial city.

Subject matter: painter, port city
Vocabulary: painting, city
Grammar: verbs with stem changes; descriptive adjectives
Oral practice: paintings, forts
Homework: stereotypes, cities named after cities in the Old World
Internet: key words for Net search
Model tests and teacher's guide