A bordo 1 libro del alumno - Fantastic middle school (or high school) Spanish textbook - published in 2013. The first student’s book contains 12 and the second 10 units. A storyline with the same characters runs throughout the books and introduces real, everyday language through lively dialogues. Communicative functions are introduced and practised in Un paso más section.
Grammar is approached inductively then put into practice in a range of activities (A fondo).
The skills section has a strong focus on socio-cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world (En tus manos).
Cultural insights and a language review occur at the end of every two units (¿Qué sabes de…?.).
Volume 1 features CLIL (Taller AICLE) with lessons in Geography, History, and Art; volume 2 highlights specific language with lessons in Business Spanish (Español de los negocios), Spanish for Tourism (Español para el turismo) and Literature (Literatura española). Thorough revision and reinforcement work is provided in the Workbook. A reference grammar with verb charts is provided in a separate booklet (Mi gramática).
In the Table of Contents, each of the 12 units lists the objectives for Communication, Vocabulary, Grammar, Skills, Pronunciation and Spelling and Cluture. After every 2 units, there is an evaluation.
Paperback, 192 pages.
The student book and workbook (which includes an audio cd) for both levels has been released as has the book "Mi Gramática". Coming soon is the teacher's pack which includes the teacher's guide for levels 1 and 2, tests and resources (480 pages), 4 class cds, test maker multi-rom and the teacher's digital book 1 and 2.