Rainbow Bridge offers engaging stories in simplified Chinese with twists and turns and deeply touching plots. The topics are selected from Chinese mythology, legends, folklore, literature, biographies of renowned people and historical tales. Each story has an introduction to the...
Rainbow Bridge offers engaging stories in simplified Chinese with twists and turns and deeply touching plots. The topics are selected from Chinese mythology, legends, folklore, literature, biographies of renowned people and historical tales. Each story has an introduction to the main characters in Chinese and English, new words with English explanations and at the back, an English translation of the story, followed by comprehension exercises and a vocabulary list to help users read and understand the story and improve their Chinese reading skills.
A gradual approach, by grading the volumes based on vocabulary levels, helps students learn to read Chinese at different stages. Starter level has 150 vocabulary words. Level 1 has 300 vocabulary words. Level 2 has 500 vocabulary words. Level 3 has 750 vocabulary words. Level 4 has 1000 vocabulary words.