B1-C1 Parliamo!

Foreign Language Learning and ESL Books and Games


SKU: 9788853634306 Eli

Parliamo!  è un utilissimo gioco di carte per arricchire il lessico e stimolare la
conversazione. Approfondisce la conoscenza e migliora la socializzazione fra
i partecipanti. Le domande e le risposte sono studiate per divertire, creando
un ambiente dinamico e rilassante dove l’apprendimento avviene in maniera
naturale e spontanea.

The game consists of 132 cards with a question and three multiple choice answers. The cards are subdivided into six categories: superpowers, annoying things, wishes, opinions, fears, never ever. 1 multi-colored dice with six sides corresponding to the colors of the six categories of cards; 60 numbered tokens divided up as number and suggestions; 1 instruction booklet with instructions and suggestions. At the end of the game, the winner is the player who guessed the most answers and therefore knows the other plyers best.